St Bees Parish Council
Summary information
Chairman: Doug Sim
Vice Chairman: Eric Taylor
Parish Clerk
Mrs Jane Donaldson
East House
Coulderton, Egremont
Cumbria, CA22 2UR
Tel. No 01946 822560
Correspondence – All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk, but the Chairman and councillors are happy to discuss any parish matters with the public. For official notices, please examine the Council’s notice boards, which remain the official means of posting statutory notices.
Meetings – General meetings of the full council are normally held at 6.30 pm in the St Bees Village Hall, 2 Finkle Street, St Bees, CA27 0BN on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Minutes – The minutes of the council are displayed on parish notice boards as soon as possible after the relevant meeting, and permanently available on this web site.
Extent of parish – St. Bees civil parish includes St Bees village, the hamlet of Rottington, and the most spectacular section of the Cumbrian coast; the St Bees Head Heritage Coast. The parish boundaries are shown on the map in the “Boundaries” section.
St Bees village website – The Parish Council owns and manages the website. The pages are written and maintained by volunteers.
Click here for latest news on our Facebook page
For Parish Council briefing presentation
click here … Welcome to St Bees PC
The routine monthly meetings are normally the 3rd Monday in the month, excepting August, when no meeting is held.
Venue is the Village Hall,
No.2 Finkle Street
CA27 0BN
The next meeting will be on
Monday 17th March at 6.30 pm.
Major Projects
Mirehouse – St bees valley link. Walking and cycling
Click on image for our cycle track proposal which would use a near-level route along the St Bees Valley to Mirehouse and national cycle routes 71/72. We continue to lobby for this highly beneficial link
St Bees Travel Hub
Click on image for project overview for briefing on the proposal to create a travel hub at St Bees railway station. This would create more parking spaces here, plus other benefits. Design and engagement with stakeholders is underway.