Facilities, activities, organisations, venues, and more....
Sporting opportunities, indoor, outdoor, dry or wet, are many,

There are two shops in the village. The Post Office is also a general store, and Hartley’s Market is mainly for holiday items.
St Bees Post Office – Main Street
Hartleys Mini-Market – The Beach
The village has an 11th century Priory, dedicated to our local St Bega.
The village has four automatic defibrillators located strategically at: the main beach, the station, the top of Seamill Lane and the golf clubhouse.
24 hour A&E at the West Cumberland Hospital, just 3 miles away. GP surgeries are in Egremont and Whitehaven.
There are many organisations and activities in the village.
The Priory publishes a village magazine,
St Bees News, ten times a year. It is distributed free to all households in the parish and can be downloaded here.