Food & Drink

There are two operating pubs on the Main Street, and a hotel at the beach. All serve meals. The post office provides heated snacks such as pies.

On Main Street

At the Beach

Hartley’s cafe at the beach serves a range of snacks and hot foods as well as more traditional cafe fare. It has fine views over the beach.

Pop-in weekly volunteer cafe – St Bees Priory

There is an informal “Pop-in” weekly cafe with home made cake and coffee/tea. Every Thursday at St Bees Priory, New College Hall, from 10.30 till 12.00

Businesses not operating at the moment:

  • Oddfellows Arms – (Main Street) 01946 822317. Note: this business is currently closed.
  • Albert Hotel – (Main Street) – 01946 822345. Note: this business is currently closed.
Page updated 2/10/2024
Queens Hotel - Main Street
Beach cafe and shop
The Manor Inn - Main Street
Seacote Hotel - beach
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