William Ewart Mawson
St Bees Dead of the First World War
Roll of Honour
William Ewart Mawson
Central Ontario Regt.
Killed in Action Ypres 1916, aged 30

From the ‘Whitehaven News’ 20 July 1916:
Killed in Action, June 10th, William Ewart, third son of Jane and the late Williarn Mawson, Flatt House, St. Bees, aged 30 years.
Corpl. W. MAWSON (ST. BEES),
Mrs. W. Mawson, Flatt House, St. Bees, has received the sad news of the death, on 10th June, of her son, Corpl. W.Mawson, Canadian Infantry, who was killed in action. Corpl. Mawson, who was greatly esteemed in St. Bees and district, was formerly in the employ of Furness Railway as a clerk. He emigrated to Canada some four years ago, and joined the Forces there soon after the outbreak of hostilities; rising to the rank of corporal. He arrived in due course with his regiment in this country some months ago, and crossed to the scene of action about Whitsuntide. It is reported that he had only been in the trenches about an hour when he was killed.
When in St. Bees Corporal Mawson held the position of Secretary to the Sancta Bega Lodge of Oddfellows, Hodgetts Club, and the local Technical Committee. He was also a member of the St. Bees Cricket Club and played for them on many occasions.