Priory Paddock Wildflower Garden

The boardwalk and pond in high summer

The garden is one of the hidden gems of St Bees, and is next to the public footpath called the “Dandy Walk” in front of the church. 

It was established in 1996-99 using the natural wetland of the valley bottom. It is maintained by the “Friends of Priory Paddock”.

There is an audio-visual guide available – click here to access. 

Other resources are below

On-site interpretation board
Bumblebees worksheet
Summer flowers worksheet
How to find us.

Mill Hill School Involvement

Mill Hill School from North London was evacuated to St Bees for the duration of WW2, and as part of the commemoration of this, help with the Paddock was received from the Old Millhillians Society.  Michael Berry was the driving force behind this. This is commemorated on the two plaques shown below.

Michael Berry and David Smith Plaque
The Mill Hill Stone
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