St Bees Neighbourhood Plan
In 2013 St Bees Parish Council is creating a neighbourhood plan; the first in the west of the county.
The plan will cover the area of the civil parish of St Bees
Here is some of the background to our neighbourhood planning.
The first St Bees plan was a pioneering community effort dating from 1975. This became the “St Bees Plan” which was used as the policy document for decision making in the parish council on local planning matters. This was a valuable policy document to provide stability and consistency of action. The aims of the plan have largely been realised.
This however dealt only with the built environment, and in 2004-2005 a St Bees Village “Community Plan” was developed by a working group of the Parish Council after extensive consultation with villagers. This did not concern itself solely with the development of the built environment but addressed all aspects of village life.
The completed community plan was presented to the village in February 2005 and can be accessed at the foot of this page.
In Jan 2011 it was felt the plan needed to be re-visited, and a survey was conducted; the results are show below.
These were discussed by the Parish Council in early 2012 and are an input into the production of a neighbourhood Plan for St. Bees during 2013. This will detail both the positive views and the areas you want to see further changes, and will identify ongoing and future actions to address the priority areas that have been identified.
Further updates will be given in the St. Bees News, on the St. Bees Village website and at the Parish Council meetings, the minutes of which are displayed on the village notice boards and on this website .

Explanation, taken from the Copeland BC website.
Broadly, the process has three stages.
- Neighbourhood Area Application – It is essential that a ‘neighbourhood area’ be set up. This is done by applying to the Borough Council. We will advertise the application in the local press and on the Borough Council’s web site. Parish and Town Councils should also make sure they use their own means (including their web site and notice boards) to keep people in touch with what is happening.
- Production of the Plan – It is the responsibility of the Parish/Town Council (or Neighbourhood Forum where one is set up) to produce the plan. Policies should be justified by evidence. The Borough Council will provide technical support and advice, as far as staff and other resources permit. The Copeland Neighbourhood Planning Protocol, currently being drafted, will make clear the nature of support that we will provide.
- The Statutory Process – independent examination, referendum and adoption – Because the Neighbourhood Plan has statutory force, it has to be subject to independent examination. The Borough Council will arrange this, including appointment of a suitably qualified examiner. If the examiner finds the plan to be sound, it must be subject to a referendum, which the Borough Council will arrange. If there is a ‘yes’ vote, the Council will then adopt the plan as part of the Local Development Framework.
Neighbourhood Plans in Copeland
The first application to be a ‘Neighbourhood Area’ was made by St. Bees Parish Council. It was advertised on April 19 2012, the regulation six week period for comment ending on May 31, with no objections received.
The Borough Council now accepts St. Bees Parish Council as being properly authorised to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.
A second application was received from Millom Without Parish Council, in October 2012.
On December 6 the Borough Council resolved to designate each Parish as a Neighbourhood Area and thus St Bees and Millom Without Parish Councils are now authorised to produce a statutory Neighbourhood Plan, which when adopted will become part of the Local Development Framework.