St Bees RNLI Lifeboat Station
Volunteer Lifeboat crews at St Bees have been saving lives at sea since 1970 and have received six awards for gallantry. The first inshore lifeboat was commissioned following local fund raising led mainly by the Egremont Rotary Club.
The lifeboat station has changed over the years. Originally a D Class lifeboat operated only during the summer months from a small shed. On 7 April 2009 the current Atlantic 85 lifeboat B-831 Joy Morris MBE was placed on service. This was funded by a North Regional appeal and legacies from Mrs Violet Cissie Mayberry and Mrs Joan Margaret Boorman. The Charities current lifeboat operates from a purpose built boathouse, constructed in 1995, which has full facilities to run a modern lifeboat.
Visitors are always welcome and the best time to contact is on a Tuesday evening from 6pm when the crew are usually training.
01946 822534 or

Photo – Courtesy of Martin Fish

Photo – Courtesy of Martin Fish