Medical Facilities and Defibrillators

Defibrillator locations in the village

The fourlocations of Public Access Defibrillators are:

The public toilets, Seacote Beach public car park CA27 0EY– click for location on google map – access code is C159

Seamill Lane junction, on wall at 83 Main Street CA27 0AD – click for location on google map – access code is C159

The old phone box, St Bees railway stationCA27 0DH – Click for location on google map – No access code required

The golf course clubhouse, on golf course at south end of Peck Mill Lane. CA27 0EG

Members of the public are free to use these in an emergency. They are automatic and talk the user through the operating procedure.

The chart shown here is copied from the Resuscitation Council (UK) web site.

We would encourage all to read its provisions and learn Basic Life Support.


The nearest hospital with A&E facilities is the West Cumberland Hospital in Hensingham, Whitehaven.

West Cumberland Hospital

General Practices

There are General Practices in Egremont and Whitehaven, both of which cover St Bees. There is no GP surgery in St Bees.

Fellview Health Care

Lowther Medical Services

and some independent practices.

Defibrillator by railway station
Beach defibrillator

83 Main Street – top of Seamill Lane

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