
Village Organisations

A small village with a lot of activities! 

The links below lead to further information or the organisations own web page.  Usually when and where the group meets. 

In some cases information about them appears elsewhere under the appropriate heading, so is a duplication.

Rarely all I may be able to say is that the group exists but I have no further information about them. If you need information urgently, please contact me and I’ll see what I can do for you. 

Please note that unless I have received specific permission to do so, I have not published nor can give any contact names, addresses or phone numbers. In such cases, you will need to make contact through me.

Church Groups

  • Area Visitors
  • Bell Ringing
  • Friends of the Priory
  • Parochial Church Council
  • Prayer Group

Scouting Association

Unfortunately none of the Scouting Association groups meet in St Bees, though there are groups meeting in Egremont and Whitehaven.

See Cumbria Scouts for more information.

Guiding Association

There are no St Bees Guiding groups but a local Guide group  meets a few times a term in New College hall, St Bees priory.

See Cumbria Guides for local information.

Sporting Groups & Facilities

There are numerous sporting activities available in the village – some making use of St Bees School facilities, others organised by groups of enthusiasts. 


Village Groups

Various organisation exist in the village catering for various interests. Some like the Embroidery Group is linked to the church, others are local branches of national groups such as the WI, and some are purely local interest groups such as the History Group.

Music and Art

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Annual village events

A number of village events take place every year and details would be advertised in the village Facebook page.

These events include the Village Fete, Beach Art, Garden Show, pram race, Tractor Trundle, and of course, Christmas events.

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